Christian Bendiksen is one of Norway’s leading lawyers whitin the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence. He has more than ten years of experience in licensing AI-based systems as well as extensive knowledge of issues concerning access to training data, data protection and database infringement issues, as well as assembling, licensing and access control to IoT-data streams.

Christian has a French master’s degree in law and is a qualified English solicitor (England & Wales) and has a broad range of experience within international contracts, cross-border licensing and export issues. He writes the commentary to the Norwegian Export Control Act for the Karnov Publishing House. Christian was previously the partner responsible for public procurement law at a previous law firm and has more than 20 years of experience with handling procurement issues for Norwegian and foreign clients, and has lectured extensively on the issue both in Norway and abroad.

He is ranked by the Norwegian financial newspaper Finansavisen as one of the leading lawyers within technology and digitalisation, lectures on those issues for the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH) and the legal course provider JUC as well as for other organisations and clients.


2005Qualified Lawyers Transfer Test, College of Law, London
1999Master of Laws, University of Oslo
1998Master in EU-law and French private law, Université Francois Rabelais

Work experience

2023Partner, Bull
2013–2023Partner, Brækhus Advokatfirma
2008–2013Senior Lawyer and Partner, Advokatfirmaet Schjødt
2001–2008Associate/Lawyer, Brækhus Advokatfirma
1999–2001Senior Executive Officer, The Norwegian Defence Estates Agency

Articles by Christian