Øyvind Bakkeby Øverli is an associate in the tax and corporate departments. He works mainly with national and international tax, VAT, company law, transactions and generational changes.

Øyvind also holds a Master of Science in Economics and Business Administration with a specialization in corporate governance and accounting. This combination of legal and economic education gives him an interdisciplinary insight and approach to his cases.


2023Master of Laws (LL.M.), University of Tromsø
2024Master of Science in Economics and Business Administration, University of Tromsø

Work experience

2023–Associate, Bull
2022–2023Project Manager Openness Act, GKN Aerospace Norway
2021–2021Legal Department Intern, Sparebank 1 Nord Norge

Publications and talks

2023Revisjon & Regnskap: "Parallell foreldelse kan føre til store tap"
2023Masteroppgave rettsvitenskap, Universitetet i Tromsø: "En sammenligning av rekkevidden av aktsomhetsvurderinger i henhold til andre aktører etter åpenhetsloven og etter forslaget til EUs CSDD Direktiv"

Articles by Øyvind

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