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Thale Cecilia Gautier Gjerdsbakk


Thale C. G. Gjerdsbakk assists with questions regarding IT law. She focuses on privacy law and artificial intelligence, which was the subject of her master's thesis. Thales' experience as legal counsel for a start-up company has given her practical experience regarding what kind of assistance a company needs, and how it can implement privacy protection.

She can assist with risk and privacy assessments, for example risk assessment in connection with the use of artificial intelligence, workshops on the protection of employee privacy, drafting of privacy documents, such as logs for processing activities and privacy declarations, acting as a data protection officer, and more. She also has experience with employment law, viewed from both the employee and employer side.

Thale has a strong professional commitment and has contributed as author and co-author for several articles on privacy and artificial intelligence, etc.

Thale is part of Bull's crisis management team for Cyber Incidents and Emergency Preparedness.


2021Master of Laws (LL.M.), University of Bergen
2021One-year programme in International studies, University of Oslo

Work experience

2022–Associate, Bull & Co Advokatfirma AS
2021Privacy and Legal Counsel, Lifeplanner AS
2021Trainee, Bull & Co Advokatfirma AS
2020Trainee, Advokatfirmaet Føyen AS
2019Trainee, Hill & Co Advokatfirma AS
2019Trainee, Deloitte Advokatfirma AS
2018–2019Case handler, Jussformidlingen
2018Clerk, Brønnøysund Register Centre
2016–2018Court witness, Bergen City Court

Publications and talks

2023"Robotene kommer!", article, Finansavisen
2022"Åpne algoritmer", article, Lo&Data 4. utgave 2022
2022"Åpen og rettferdig kunstig intelligens", article, Lov&Data 3. utgave 2022
2022«Full forrvirring i skyen», article, Finansavisen
2022«Personvern for advokater som ikke jobber med personvern», presentation, Advokatenes fagdager
2022"Vis meg dine "likes", og PST skal si deg hvem du er", article, Finansavisen
2021Master thesis: «Åpenhet og rettferdighet i algoritmens tidsalder – hvordan forstå åpenhets- og rettferdighetsprinsippet i personvernforordningen art. 5 nr. 1 bokstav a ved bruk av kunstig intelligens som beslutningsstøtte?»
2021"Ærede robot!", article, Finansavisen

Articles by Thale